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Interview Pro+
What is the course all about? (1:12)
Pre Assessment
Let's check how much you know.
Module 1: Resume Skills
Video: Introduction (1:32)
Video: Resume Vs. Curriculum Vitae (3:01)
Video: Sections in a resume (12:30)
Reflective Task: Key fields (1:59)
Video: Nice-to-have fields (1:11)
Reflective Task: Resume Design (0:37)
Video: Common doubts faced (4:08)
Reflective Task: Should I add my photograph? (1:26)
Video: Resume checklist (1:12)
Module 2: Cover Letter
Video: What is a cover letter (7:35)
PDF: Steps for writing a good cover letter
Video: How to send your cover letter over email (4:06)
Video: Cover Letter Checklist (1:20)
Module 3: Basics of an interview
Video: Interview (2:41)
Video: Why do freshers get grilled (1:20)
Video: What do recruiters look for? (0:36)
Video: Types of interviews (18:22)
Reflective Task: Identify the interview type (4:07)
Video: Online interview setting* (5:17)
Reflective Task: Good online setting (1:04)
PDF: Dress code for an interview
Module 4: Interview Skills
Video: Pre-Interview Preparations (1:48)
Video: How to research the employer (4:08)
Video: Interview Rounds (2:08)
Aptitude Tests (1:07)
PDF: How to prepare for an aptitude test
What to do during an interview (0:50)
PDF: Body language
Reflective Task: Body Language (2:26)
Video: What to do after the interview (0:56)
PDF: Email follow-up
Module 5: Interview Questions
Video: Tell me something about yourself? (3:57)
Video: Why should we hire you? (2:36)
Video: Tell me your strengths. (2:24)
Video: Tell me your weakness (2:59)
Video: What is your long term goals? (3:40)
Video: Tell me about your hobbies (4:10)
Video: What is your biggest accomplishment? (2:55)
Video: How much salary do you expect? (3:25)
Video: Are you flexible staying back late? (2:51)
Video: Do you have any questions for us? (2:10)
Video: Summary: Commonly asked questions (1:22)
Module 6: Offer Letter
Video: Deciphering an offer Letter (7:10)
Types of Employment (0:56)
How to reject an offer letter
Checklist before accepting an offer
Module 7: First day at work
Video: First Day Checklist (3:04)
Video: Basics of email writing (3:22)
Video: Email tone and formatting (3:57)
Email Sections (5:01)
Signatures, hyperlinks and attachments. (3:40)
Email Etiquettes (2:12)
Post Assessment
Let's check how much have you improved
Aptitude Tests
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